This post is long overdue!
The most obvious things in life can sometimes be forgotten.
We live in different countries that are governed by laws. We learn to respect these laws or face the consequences.
This is far from a political post!
My thoughts are towards our human right to be happy!
STOP and SAY! I have the right to be happy! We need to remind ourselves!
Don’t let anyone or anything take away your right to be happy!
- How can we know if we are truly happy?
Self-reflection is critical. WHO ARE YOU?
- How can you live a happy life if you don’t know who you are?
We are so busy taking care of other people that we tend to neglect ourselves. Is this happening in your life?
If your answer is yes, then you need to take a moment to reflect.
That old saying ” you only have one life to live” has become such a cliché. People say it but don’t actually take action to live their best lives.
Happiness is priceless. You define your own happiness! You are your strong!
I have seen many people give their happiness away. They give other people power over them.
When life changes, they fail to adapt and move on. They dwell in the past and focus on the people who have hurt them. They are complainers! Are you so complaining or are you changing your situation?
What is life if we don’t experience pain and hardship? I say, turn your pain into strength.
Learn from mistakes and let go!
You have the RIGHT to be HAPPY!
You can change who you are, or you can choose to stay the same! Change is powerful!
The next time someone tries to take away your happiness, remember that they don’t have the right to.
- What can we do to keep ourselves happy?
Is it possible to be happy all the time? Of course not! We all have our off days—We human, after all.
Mental strength is much more challenging to achieve than physical strength.
Your mind can sometimes be your worse enemy. I’ve certainly had my fair share in life!
Those dreadful days when everything around you seems dark! Sound familiar? Time can change everything! Just stay strong and know what you need!
Life is about balance. It’s okay to take time for yourself, even if it is to feel unhappy. But when it becomes part of your life and starts to affect who you should be, you need to address it.
- Have you considered talking to a professional?
Most often, people need to seek help. Talking to a professional can be life-changing. They can help you clear the noise in your head.
Reading the right books can put a lot into perspective. “We read to know we’re not alone.”― William Nicholson, Shadowlands
Treat yourself to silence. Sometimes you just need to give yourself space. Find a place that is calming and quiet.
Some people turn to prayer and others meditation. Find what works for you.
Breathe! Our entire existence depends on a single breath. How conscious are we of it? I remind myself all the time to inhale and exhale! It makes such a big difference.
It’s always the smallest thing that can have the most significant impact on your life!
You have the RIGHT to be HAPPY!
I know many people have goals and new year resolutions. It’s already February 2021, and before we know it, we will be welcoming the end of this year.
Time doesn’t stand still, and will not wait for you.
Why not make happiness a goal? Declare it and do it!
I can just hear the banter from people, but I am happy! Are you really? Is your happiness dictated by those around you?
I don’t know you! Only you know the feelings and thoughts that consume your life!
What are you doing to stay Happy? Own your RIGHT!
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