This post is dedicated to all humans who are searching for their SUPERPOWERS.
Sound supernatural doesn’t it? Do we allow ourselves to think that we have superpowers?
What a powerful word Superpower is. Imagine a world where kids were brought up to believe that their talent’s thoughts; actions and dreams were superpowers.
What type of adults would we meet today? What type of adults would be today?
Some people have shared themselves with the world and we watch as they display amazing talent across a movie screen, on a soccer field, in Tennis courts, and across an array of stages. We listen to music that touches us from deep within and causes us to move to the beats. The superpowers that surround our everyday existence are from people who took the time to discover their powers.
Yes, we all have something inside us that the world needs or wants. No person is born without gifts.
Turning sad faces into smiles and laughs of joy is a superpower.
Do you need a stage and audience to display your superpower?
“ The world is your stage. So act the role you enjoy most. Your true self!”– Flo Ren could not have put it better !!!
Do you wake up in the morning and let life take control over you? Routines, schedules, people’s thoughts and even you can take away the true meaning of living.
Do you crave to fulfill a lifelong passion but excuses seem to stop you from doing it?
What’s holding you back from being YOU?
What’s your SUPERPOWER?
I recently saw an eighty-year-old man completing his high school certificate. I watched the news clip and it inspired me even more. Age does not define what you can accomplish.
You define what you can do!
Every building needs a strong foundation to withstand time.
Your thoughts and actions towards yourself are your foundation. Many people think they are building strong futures for themselves. How can you build without a foundation?
What will happen over time when days get darker and life becomes stormy?
The biggest investment you can make in life is in yourself.
Invest in your mind
Take time to develop a relationship with yourself. That person you look at in the mirror is your best friend or can be your worst enemy? Make the choice and learn to stick with it.
We are human after all and realizing what your superpower is will not immune you to life’s challenges but it will allow you to help others. When we do for others we help ourselves. Thinking this way will strengthen your foundation.
Educate yourself
What does Education mean to you? For years we have been born into societies where we have been taught that education comes from school. If you have the desire to further educate yourself you need money.
Education can be found anywhere and anytime. Education is free and is available when you willing to receive it. There was a rich businessman that build an empire just by learning from lessons from his old father who owned a small shop to feed his family.
Education is waking up in the morning and being ready to learn whatever the day will teach you. You might encounter an act of kindness during the day and in return, you will become a kinder person. We learn from others through their thoughts, actions, and ideas.
Move yourself
I have always believed that a strong and healthy body is a credit to a strong mind. When you consciously think and plan your movement for the day you are building a strong foundation.
Wake up with gratitude and move.
Be thankful for the ability to be mobile. Remember those people who are not able to do what you can.
Take time to discover your SuperPower!
I have always loved to write, but my blog is not about me. It’s about you.
A lot of people ask me what I hope to gain from blogging.
The answer is simple. I want to help others live their best life.
I know what it is like to feel alone and life has certainly taught me too many hard lessons.
I hope that my lessons can be your education.
Self- reflection is the greatest tool to start a strong foundation.
What are you passionate about?
What motivates you to challenge yourself?
Who inspires you to live your best life?
What makes you unique?
What’s stop being you from using your SUPERPOWER?
You have a SUPERPOWER!
You just need to show the world what it is!
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