When I started writing this post the word feminism came to mind, but then I paused for a moment and decided that I want to know what being a Women means to you!
Not all women are seeking to change the world through politics or have the opportunity to be part of a social movement.
Some women are fighting their own Personal battles and trying to find a voice outside of their Own lives.
I believe in women’s rights and equality for all people. I see myself as a person that was born into this world in a specific gender form and I am proud of who I am.
But I am also realistic to my needs as a woman.
Firstly, I accept the responsibilities I have been given as a human being, and it is with this thought and believes that I treat everyone as equal as I possibly can.
However, I can also understand and accept that we were all created with unique strengths and capabilities.
I applaud the generations of women that paved the way for women today. Most of us are privileged to live in countries where we can share equal rights with our counterparts.
In my opinion, we have come a long way since the 19th and 20th century, but we still have a long way to go.
The road ahead is bright for all women that will follow, but we have to stand United as Women!
We are segregated out of choice and not circumstances. Just look around you, and you will see the different nationalities that have entered your country.
Whether you are an Expat like me living abroad or you are National women.
Are we as women making an effort to connect with other women? If you are, you should feel proud of yourself. You are changing the way women communicate with each other.
Women from different countries, cultures, and religions can educate each other. Their interaction, friendships, and communication create a cycle of change in their societies.
What does being a woman mean to you?
As a woman, I realized it was not only the job of my husband to support our family. The responsibility was ours to share. Whether you out there working a 9 to 5 job or whatever you do you have an equal responsibility as a mother and wife. Marriage is supposed to be teamwork!
The most important thing you can do for yourself in life is to define your role as a person.
For a very long time, I was a mother and wife. I took my job seriously and made sure that I honored my duties. That was my choice to support my husband and family.
There are women who fight every day to survive! The world is massive, and not all women have the rights and privileges that others have.
When we celebrate International Women’s Day, we need to bear in mind all the women in different parts of the world that still wash laundry by hand, carry huge amounts of weights on their backs and are always on bended knees trying to put food in their children’s mouths.
What does being a woman mean to you?
Speaking to other women and acknowledging other women, no matter their status in society, their financial income, clothes they wear and the list of differences are endless!!!!
If women in the 21st century want to continue to change the way society views us we have to start with ourselves. We need to shape the future by transforming our mindsets.
Let us stop grouping ourselves and unite with each other!
How can we support all women?
Maybe we should start in our own lives. I am sure there are women you see every day that you have not taken the time to talk with. I am not refering to your colleagues or neighbors!
Perhaps the helper that cares for your neighbor’s children or the lady that works in the supermarket. Women are everywhere and we need to see each other!
My point is that the world is full of different women from different religions, cultures, races, and countries.
Let us genuinely celebrate being women by standing with other women!

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