Are you ready for some truth?
Sometimes we just need an awakening!
Well, this post has been written to motivate you all to enjoy your weekdays too!
I decided that I wouldn’t wait for the weekend to enjoy all the activities and things I liked many years ago. Instead, I would appreciate it whenever and wherever I wanted.
It’s my life.
And I can do as I please!
So, can you!
Maybe you already think like me, and you live your best life no matter what day of the week it is or perhaps you the type of person that can’t wait for the weekend.
If you the latter, it’s a real shame that you are allowing yourself to wait, and it’s a bigger shame that you letting precious time slip away.
Now I’m not judging or being critical of anyone.
I’m merely trying to shift your way of thinking.
You see, we live in a world that has indirectly determined our routines. Why would we think and act otherwise?
Since childhood, we have been trained to follow a system of rules. As adults, we naturally teach our kids the same course that we use to. We not robots and we shouldn’t follow a strict system that controls us.
The weekday can be overwhelmingly busy with chores, work, school routines, homework, etc.…. the list can be endless. Most of society works an eight-hour day, if not more. It doesn’t matter what your job title is or which profession you’re in; YOU ARE BUSY!
You busy making money and taking care of responsibilities. It’s okay to continue the routines we have created for ourselves. Familiarity is a natural comfort in life.
But have you stopped and given yourself time to take a step outside that comfort zone and explore the possibilities of a different life and system?
I have, and so can you! I want and need to work. My job can keep me working after hours if I choose to allow it. There is so much for me to always do and learn even when my shift is over. As an educator creating and exploring new ways and ideas to present learning material to my students is continuous. There are times when I am sitting at my computer at 22:00pm working. However, it’s always my choice. I choose to give the extra time towards my professional development. You should always have a choice not to do something!
When you have a choice to do things in your life, you own your life.
How can you own your time?
The keywords are BALANCE and BOUNDARIES.
You need to have both if you want to have time for yourself.
The problem with time is that we allow it to control us. We don’t teach ourselves to control time. We have not taken charge of managing our time.
So, what happens? The days fly by, and when the weekend rolls over, we so happy to have those two days OFF.
Just as quick as the weekend comes, it goes AGAIN! That dreadful feeling that so many of us start having kicks in – It’s work tomorrow.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if we all had the jobs of our dreams? Some people are blessed to have it, and others are just content having a job or career. I always emphasize that I am not an expert on anyone’s life, just mine. You are alive and that’s all that matters!
Gratitude and feeling blessed about your life will get you through LIFE!!!!
My thoughts on life have made me achieve many goals and have given more meaning to my existence.
Here is the point I am trying to make!
You’re wasting your time sticking to rigid routines. Why not have two Saturdays?
How can a weekday become a weekend? Please don’t call in sick? Yes, we have all done that taken a sick day just so that we can reset ourselves.
No, you don’t have to pretend your sick, and you certainly don’t have to feel guilty about enjoying your weekday.
Time management will improve your life, but Self- management will change your life.
Manage your time so that you have the choice to do whatever you want and when you want to.
Let’s get to the absolute truth now!
- Are you spending your weekdays looking forward to the weekend?
- Do you want to do things in the week but feel restricted by your routine?
- Is time an issue in your life?
- What does a typical weekday look like in your life?
- How do you feel at the end of the day?
- Most importantly, are you achieving any goals in the week?
- What does a weekend look like? Are you living your best life on your off days?
Sometimes we need to ask ourselves the right questions to make the necessary changes in our lives.
Self-reflection is life-changing!
The most important relationship that you can ever have is with yourself and God!
There is nothing wrong with taking time for yourself.
The best things in life are free and priceless.
The next time someone tells you to have a great weekend, just think that I am already!
Enjoy each day of the week!
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