At least once in your life you should experience traveling solo.

Have you ever watched a movie where the main character has decided to leave his/her life in search of love, adventure, friendship or some change? At the end of the movie, the characters life has changed for the better. These types of film inspire us and awaken something inside of us, but its short term.
Once we turn off the movie and step back into the reality of our life’s we sucked back into the daily routines and responsibilities of our existence. The character and plot of the movie soon fade away.
What do you think would happen if we found some way to remain connected to the character?
How could we take the inspiration we felt watching someone travel from their current life into a life that was waiting for them in the future?
Now I’m not suggesting you pack up and leave in search of a new life. No, what I am proposing is finding out who you are in life.
How can you truly know who you are when you are surrounded by familiarity and consistency? We need to become the characters we admire and challenge ourselves beyond the realities of our everyday existence.
I recently took such a challenge upon myself. I decided to travel through Europe solo.
What was the outcome of my travel? Well, I now know that I can navigate my way through Europe’s train stations and that reading a map is not as easy as it appears. My challenge to myself is to read more maps and stop depending on my GPS.
I learned that traveling solo is not a lonely experience but an opportunity to reconnect with your senses and emotions. You have time to breathe and take it all in without the interruption from someone else thoughts.
The misconception about being a Solo traveler
You don’t have to travel far to find yourself. Many people are blessed to get on an airplane and jet off to a foreign country, but not everyone can afford to take on such an adventure financially.
Does life responsibilities have to become an obstacle on your path to self-discovery? Only if you let it!
Planning is key to finding out who you are! An unplanned trip can also awaken the adventurous soul buried inside of you.
Whatever you are thinking at this moment in your life will define who you will become in the future.
If you are empowering yourself with words of confidence and thinking positively, you will make your travel plans happen no matter what your current situation is.
Still not convinced? You can search online about people who have traveled with no money, no job and are living the life that meant to live.
What makes them different from you? They have made it happen! They have turned the impossible into the possibility of endless discovery.
Are you ready to travel solo and discover your true self?
Anything in life starts with the first step in the right direction. Maybe that direction for you right now is a shorter distance from where you are. Nonetheless, you are moving in a direction, and it’s on your own.
Don’t wait for someone to travel with you!
Time waits for no man and you shouldn’t either! ” Life happens while others are trying to plan for it.”
If you want to travel and you able to do it alone. Just do it! The world is enormous, and you will meet people on your trip that will inspire you or help you when you seemed lost.
You will become intuitive and learn how to watch your back. Safety will become part of your travel, and you will learn how to navigate your way through busy streets, foreign languages and crowds of unfamiliar faces.
Solo traveling might not be for you!
Do you know if you can handle traveling alone? How else will you know who you are if you not willing to try? Maybe you will get to your destination and hate it, or perhaps you will jump for joy because you have overcome a fear of being alone.
No matter how you feel what will matter at the end is that you gave yourself a chance to try.
Can you travel solo when you are married, have kids, a family?
Yes! Yes and Yes. Why not? You are you, and no one can stop you from living your life!
The only person that can stop you is you. If you are using your family, husband, kids, and responsibilities as excuses not to self-discover, then you have to take a moment and think about the questions I am asking.
- Are you afraid to leave a comfortable life and challenge yourself to be alone?
- What do you think about traveling alone?
- Do you have a hidden desire to take a break from it all and enjoy time by yourself?
- Have you expressed these emotions to your husband/wife or partner?
- Can you financially plan for a solo trip?
- Do you need time for yourself?
What are the advantages of Solo Travel?
Your travels are all about you and no one else. You decide where you want to stay, what you want to eat and when you want to eat.
You can stop and change direction or move forward, and you don’t have to ask some else for permission.
- You are free to meet people and make mistakes. You are more forgiving to yourself and can laugh at your silliness.
- You are more aware of your surroundings and can breathe quietly taking it all in.
- You are not distracted by someone else and can focus on your itinerary
- You flexible and can adapt to any situation
- You will learn to trust yourself
- You will know how to depend on yourself. When you faced with a situation, you will trust yourself to make a decision that is best for you. Those days of asking someone else what you should do would become an option and not a necessity. No matter what situation you find yourself you will reflect on your strength.
- You will learn who to trust and who not to trust
- You will discover that the world is not a dangerous place and that people are just the same as where you come from
- You will develop street smarts and make friends along the way
- You will open your mind to new ideas, thoughts and welcome different opinions
- You will hold back judgment and reflect on your thoughts and opinions
Finally, No matter where you travel to and where you remain to stay, your life is a gift to this earth. The steps that you take are the marks you will leave. Your journey of self-discovery is yours to make.
To all the Solo travelers!!
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