We all have them… even if we are not writing them down. The to-do list exists.
It can be your best friend or, worse, enemy. Our lives are consumed by everyday tasks, no matter who we are, our job titles, or where we live.
The good news is that “The to-do list” can keep you organized and in control if you use it!!!!
The bad news is that no matter how old you become, you will always have a “To do list.”
So, my advice is to accept that life can be busy, and let’s agree that only some people want to know how busy you are!
Yes, that is the actual reality. Have you bumped into someone lately, and the response to how you are doing is…… “Oh! I’m so busy!!!”
I envy or feel sorry for you if you are not busy.
There is just no way that you can exist in life without being active. Guess what? Bored people are busy, too, just being bored.
Why write a blog about a to-do list?
Well, my list has been driving me crazy lately. The more things I get done, the more items are added. I am very good at keeping organized and checking off things but let’s be honest, even the most well-managed person runs out of time.
Time controls every action and thought in life.
I would like to sleep late on weekends, but I’ve already programmed my body to function without an alarm clock. My list has become part of my DNA, and I am not even trying to reverse my way of thinking. Are there people like me? I love sleeping, but only when it’s a nap or a few winks here and there. The feeling of being recharged fills me like a glass of water on a hot day. I am ready for the next check, and so it goes.
I respect my to-do list because it is evidence of a well-lived life, goals, and thoughts that once existed. Therefore, I keep my list safely tucked into the corners and cracks of my life to fill empty spaces with knowledge and experiences.
I’ve been told I like to keep busy as if being busy is a hobby. My response is an inner NO; I am busy because I wake up with the knowledge that a day gone by is a day that will never come again. I am not a keeper of my time but an innocent passenger racing like everyone to the finish line. But I want the race to be fruitful and blossom in the joys of whatever life offers.
How can you exist without a list that keeps you checked?
If you think about life like a big black-and-white checkboard, then we must be the pawns being moved around by a system that controls our every move.
I was not made to be in a system where my timekeepers keep me in check by declaring my monetary value and the world around me constantly pressures me to keep up with worldly belongings.
Do we think of the systems we live in?
Are their voices inside you preventing you from creating lists that make up your being and existence?
You may be reading this blog and thinking, do I have a to-do list?
What is she ranting on and on about?
Lists are for people who have businesses and hectic lives. So here’s the news… your life and every inch of it is your business. Like the most successful business that makes billions of dollars annually, your life functions similarly in every capacity.
We are lucky to live in a world where information is a click away. If you google “How to create a to-do list,” you will be bombarded with endless options. Excel, google docs, applications, and YouTube videos. But why make life more complicated? I have so many applications already, and I want to track my goals and things that need to get done. So choose the best option for you and use it.
A simple journal is enough for me. I love the sound my pen makes when it touches the paper’s surface. The skillfulness of adding my own mark to the paper fills me with a satisfying feeling that things might get done once I write it down. The power of scratching things off my list makes me feel accomplished and ready for what’s next.
Don’t we all want to feel powerful and in control?
But what do you think about being organized?
Does organization exist in your world?
I’ve learned that people who strive to be organized have control over their finances, relationships, and peace of mind, even in the simplest of forms. Of course, I am no expert, but I have experienced what life offers.
The year 2022 is reaching its end.
Why wait to set goals and create plans?
Whether it’s a new year or the wrapping of an old one, time waits for no one.
Choose today and let tomorrow be rewarded with the feeling that I did it!!!
Don’t just live!! Own your life!
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