Can you relate?
To all the mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually strong people who have reinvented themselves!
To those who know what Self -made means!
To those who are changing their lives and discovering their true selves!
This post is for you all!
Because we can just never stop growing and learning! We can never stop having enough positivity in our lives!
My message is clear “ LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE’!
Sometimes we want to live the best way we can, but we just don’t know-how.
It all starts with the right Communication and Education.
We should have conversations like this with our friends and families so that we can grow together, yet these topics are never discussed. Instead, we caught up in one-sided conversations.
We gravitate towards complaints and general ideas that prevent us from discovering who we are and who we are really connecting with.
Are you ready for a change? If you are, this space is where I bring topics that matter to life. I hope that you bold enough to share my thoughts and ideas so that you can keep the right conversation moving!

Let us get started!
How did you become you?
This question will unfold the most genuine and authentic stories of people. You see, we are all born into a life that we never chose. Who we become is influenced by the people and communities that we stem from. We are either victims of our circumstances or warriors of our past. We are who we will be!
Some of us never think about this question because we okay with our lives. It’s not good, and it’s not bad! It’s okay! And being okay is okay! Sounds tacky, but that’s the truth.
But okay is not good enough for me. I want more than what life has to offer. My life and what I have in it have originated from me getting to the bottom of these questions that I like to present to you.
I became me because I decided to change my life. I gave myself space and time away from where I originated and observed the world around me.
I realized that to evolve as a human, I needed to develop a knowledge of myself. The only way to learn things about yourself is to learn and grow from the mistakes you make in life and to reflect on your presence in the world. I believe we are all here for a reason, and it’s our responsibility to find out what it is.
There are very mentally, physically, and emotionally strong people in the world. Are you ready to be one of them?
There are change-makers, famous celebrities, politicians, influences, etc. the list is endless.
How did they become who they are? Each and every person has a different and unique story. Some people’s lives are surprisingly similar to others, and it’s this similarity that makes us feel connected to people who are willing to share their lives in public.
We all searching for connections and want to know how they did it. So we can do it too!
Here is the truth- It starts with you!
Do you know who you are?
I’ve watched and heard so many celebrities claim to grow up with nothing; some have even been homeless. After becoming famous, they now can afford to live in big mansions and have anything that money can buy. They, too, started somewhere. They are self-made.
I watched a reality show this week and was moved by one of the guests on the show. She suffered from a tragic accident that left a big scar on her face. I thought she was beautiful even with her imperfection. Still, she told the host that she stopped seeing herself as beautiful and allowed this unexpected change to her appearance to influence how she thought about herself and her relationships with others. It was sad listening to her story, but she knew she needed to change. That is why she went on to the show so that she could start living her best life. What I took away from that show was this message that I want to share with you. “Turn your Scars into Wings,” which was said very well by a famous Indian director Karen Johar.

We all have scars, some visible, and most of the time, it is the invisible scars that keep us from creating a positive world for ourselves.
Who is to be blamed when life gets us down? Blaming others is easy, but the challenge is to accept your role and the part that you played. We, not victims until we turn ourselves into victims.
We need to understand that whatever happens in your world is called LIFE!
Life happens, and we need to get over it!
Stop living in the past with others and turn towards a brighter future. Get the help you need and make the changes!
Every day that goes by is time taken from you. Time is precious. Unlike money that you can get back when you lost it, you can never get time back. Once it’s gone, that is it.
The REALITY! You are getting older! Are you becoming wiser? Are you learning from life?
I’m an observer of life. I don’t judge and form opinions about people because I will never know what their story is, and I’m not perfect and godlike to create thoughts about others. But I’ve learned from other people’s mistakes. Life is what you choose for yourself.
When I was in my early twenties, there was no social media and YouTube where I could find the information I wanted. I was fond of watching Oprah. I liked the show more because of the audience. Every day she would have a different guest with a different story.
From a young age, I learned to listen and learn. Sometimes we just need to LEARN from others and not repeat their MISTAKES!
Have you ever been surrounded by the same situation but different people? I have experienced this many times, and I have always been amazed at how similar people behave and think. I guess that is why I have always considered myself a moth among the butterflies.
Is it good to think and behave like everyone around you? We all unique, aren’t we? So why do we have the same problems and the same complaints?
Be honest and truthful!
Are you ready to change and claim your life? Are you going to own the question in this post and define yourself?
What are you proud of?
We are proud when we create a life that is worth living! I never write too much about myself because I am a person that is on a journey of self-discovery, and I will always learn from life and others.
Many things make me feel proud, and I can probably write a book about them. But what I do with my achievements is to live in gratitude.
My proud moments have made me feel more thankful for my life. When you work hard and aim high, you develop a sense of gratitude. There are many things and experiences that I never had. When I was able to finally have it in my life, I never stopped appreciating it.
We don’t have to come from an imperfect life to appreciate a good life.
We need to change our thinking so that we can create a meaningful existence for ourselves and those around us.
The reality is that our time will end and when that day comes, all we can do is be thankful that we never took ourselves and life for granted.
I guess that bucket list idea that was invented years ago was aimed at giving people direction. We don’t need to create bucket lists, it’s an excellent idea, and I don’t have a problem with it. I just think that we need to know what we want and go for it.
Make each day matter, learn from the day because it will become the past, and take the proper steps to journey onwards into a brighter and lighter tomorrow.
Reinvent yourself! Change is good! Discover who you are!
We are all Self -made, after all! Don’t you agree?
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