You never too old to learn about life!
Would you agree? I recently started thinking back to my childhood when I was a curious chatterbox. I loved asking questions even though I might not get the answers; my curious little mind continued to wonder about the world. I grew up and the questions became less. I accepted most of what life through my way.
When I became a mother I was so busy trying to figure out my new role in this world, I often unknowingly failed to realize how important my daughter’s questions were at the time.
As parents, we often look back at life and wish we could have our little children again and answer all the million questions they presented to us.
Even if we didn’t have all the right answers at least, we could nature their curiosity.
If you a new parent and this post manage to stumble on your doorstep, I urge you to listen to those questions your little one asks because she/he might present an idea to you that could be life-changing.
Sometimes we have to listen beyond the words and hear the message given.
As I got older, I never thought about questions. Talking to someone was a natural response for me just like everyone else. I listened to the voice talking and responded with advice, maybe a suggestion or comment. That was the satisfaction I got from my social interaction and perhaps a friend along the way.
Until recently when life took me in an entirely new direction. You see being a chatterbox was always a trait of mine. I never thought much about how much I spoke until I realized that listening was a skill I needed to develop.
If you are like me and you tend to self-reflect about life, maybe you too will realize that sometimes even the best of characters need developing.
For us to become informed and gain knowledge about any subject in this world we have to listen to the information and ask the right questions.
It is those questions that we ask that will unlock the doors of opportunity. The questions we ask might not always fit the right door, but just like any good locksmith, we have to find the right fit to unlock even the hardest of doors.
How important are Powerful Questions in life?
I think Extremely important!
Without questions how can we find the answers to life? We also have to know the right and most meaningful questions to ask.
The word “Powerful” is so provocative and sounds like mastery of a hidden skill.
Here is good news! It’s not so difficult to ask powerful questions.
How will you know when you have asked a Powerful Question?
The answer won’t easily present itself to you. The person who is responding will hesitate and time will stand still as the question lingers from their brain into the depth of their souls.
The answer will soon find itself emerging from the deep core and will surprise not only you but the person whom you are asking. It is at that moment that you will realize that you have given power to your question.
Have you ever worried about social engagement with someone? Maybe a blind date or meeting with a friend you haven’t seen in ages. What will we talk about might be the question you worry and think about a lot.
The idea of sitting with someone and consciously trying to fill the air with conversation can seem nerve-wracking. But what if you were to listen to the person in front of you and hear the words being spoken.
Is it possible that you might be able to ask a question that will hold the key to the rest of the conversation?
If you are searching for meaningful conversation, maybe it’s time to start listening and give power to your words.
How can questions change how we think about ourselves?
Do you need someone to ask you a powerful question?
I know I tend to talk to myself and I am certainly not ashamed of my self-talk. It is through conversation with myself that I have uncovered who I am.
When I have been faced with the most devastating moments in my life, it was my voice asking me what next? So how are you going to handle this obstacle life has thrown in your way?
Sometimes silence in myself has given me the strength to answer the most difficult of questions I could present to myself.
It is with this honesty that I have overcome hatred, jealousy, and unforgiveness to all those people who should have been my enemies.
No, I could not lower myself to the unfairness that life has pushed towards me, but instead learned to ask myself the right questions and give power to my words.
The doors opened for me, and I was able to walk through not on my own but with people who gave me the support and love I needed by asking me the right questions when I desperately needed it the most.
May you unlock the doors to your life and answer the questions that are waiting for you on the other side.
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