“You will know when it is time to let go.”

Life is a journey. Like any journey, we have companions that lead the way, follow, or walk side by side us.
Some journeys are filled with happiness, fun, and a lot of blessings, while other journeys come to a quick end and are just not taking us in the direction, we want to go. We overcome with pain, sadness, and a sense of loneliness.
Our friends, families and the people who are in our lives are either excellent support to us or might just be causing more roadblocks in our path.
Sometimes we have to stop and accept that it is time to let go!
Let go of the sadness, loneliness and hurt….
Let go of the anger, resentment, and frustration….
Let go of the jealousy, envy, and insults
Let go of the negative people in our lives….
Let go of the criticism, lack of support and no appreciation …..
Let go of the bullies, the troublemakers, the abusers …..
Let go of the feelings that I am just not okay ….
Last week I was overcome by negative emotions, and because I know how to identify my feelings and how to settle the noise inside myself, I took a moment to reflect.
Why was I feeling this way?
What was causing these emotions to find a resting place in my soul?
As you read through my posts, you will find I use the word soul a lot. My soul is the core of who I am.
So I needed to stop these uncomfortable and negative emotions from settling down permanently inside of me. I refused to let it become part of me and take away the blessings of each day.
I gave myself space to breathe. When I was ready, I knew all I had to do was let go!
Let go of the negative feelings and hold onto the positive emotions that always steer my compass.
I refuse to take whatever I was feeling with me on my journey of life.
Sometimes we struggle to let go!
What happens to us when we try, and it just does not seem to be working?
We lose our power. We no longer leading the way to happiness but following those emotions that are holding us back.
What can we do to let go?
Stop! Take a moment and remember to breathe!!
Give yourself space to be silent!!
Remember who you are!!
Think about how you got here and why you choose to stay!!
Be honest with yourself!!
Create a plan of action that will steer your compass in the rights & positive direction!!
Find peace in your decision!!
Develop and build a support system that works for you!!
Be true to yourself!!
Don’t give up!! Every day is a new beginning… Try every day and one day you will know how to let go…
Tell yourself I am ready to let go and let the words flow from your soul!!! Mean it and reclaim it!!
Remind yourself that you have chosen to let go!!
Choose to be free of pain, hurt, sadness, rejection and all those sad and depressing emotions!!
Cry if you have to but wipe away those tears when you are done and Smile, Smile, Smile….
Life’s journey can be tough and challenging, but if you alive, eating and have a roof over your head, guess what you made it.
You jumped over those roadblocks, walked through those hard walls, and let go of those emotions that were trying to hold you back.
You did it! You let go!!!!!
Photo by Paul Gilmore on Unsplash
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