We all get aches and pains! Sometimes we just learn to live with it until we are forced to seek medical help.
Don’t live in pain!
The good news is that we can now access remedies and online sources to improve our health and well-being. I am open to learning new ways of taking care of myself and aging gracefully. I still have a lot to learn, and I’m excited to discover further information.
I would like to share my recent discovery about reflexology slippers!
I don’t feel old, and I certainly don’t fit the description of a soon be to be 40 plus women, but the reality is that I am aging. The pains and aches are slowly taking up space in my once younger body.
I love who I am. Age is just a number, and I am certainly not going to hide behind an ideal number.
You are as old as you feel! However, being an overly active person, I have started to develop pain in my heels. I blame my passion for running. I started running when I was 15 years old.
Two months ago, I made the decision to finally go and see a specialist. I could barely run 1km without hurting a lot. I don’t like going to doctors, and I already know that I’m not stepping correctly, and that is why my heels are hurting.
What do people usually do when they need information? Google the problem.
According to Google.com, I had plantar fasciitis, one of the most common causes of heel pain. All I needed was to confirm my self-diagnosis with a doctor. But I never made it to the doctor. Eventually, I will go to a specialist and get a proper diagnosis. I encourage anyone to seek professional and medical help. Always be critical of what you read online.
What is plantar fasciitis?
More common in runners, it involves inflammation of a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes (plantar fascia). Most people who have plantar fasciitis recover in several months with conservative treatment, including resting, icing the painful area, and stretching.
How did I discover reflexology slippers?
Accidently! I heard about it but was never interested. Those frustrating advertisements keep popping on your Facebook feeds, or Instagram. Sometimes they can be pretty useful!
My curious nature compelled me to read about the benefits of wearing reflexology slippers. I decided to purchase the slippers and try it out for myself.
I started my 60-day challenge wearing the reflexology slippers every day for more than 8 hours straight. This was above the recommended time, but what kind of challenge would it be if I wasn’t prepared to go Hardcore!
The results were surprising, and as you keep reading, you will want to try them for yourself.
What is reflexology?
Reflexology is a massage that focuses on stimulating specific points on the feet and elsewhere on the body. Still, it focuses on “zones” around your foot instead of stimulating the exact points found on the acupuncture meridians like acupressure does.
What are reflexology slippers?
In my opinion, unattractive and noisy slippers with little rubber or plastic acupressure nubs are designed to massage your soles as you walk.
What are the benefits of wearing reflexology slippers?
Promotes sleep- I usually fall asleep quickly, but I do feel rested even after sleeping late at night. I tend to wake up before the sunrise.
Fights depression – This is difficult to judge, as I believe when you count your blessings, it changes your outlook on life. I can’t comment too much on mental health, and it affects everyone differently. We all on a different journey, and it takes a personalized solution to help you overcome the challenges you are facing. If there is proof that reflexology slippers can help fight depression, then I welcome those views on my blog.
Relives pain and aches – My backache and heel pain has improved a lot. The pain in my heels has not disappeared, but it’s not as intense as it was. This could change as I continue to wear the slippers; I look forward to the doctor’s medical opinion.
Eases PMS and Menopause– What do you have to lose? If you can help these types of issues with a bit of poking on your feet, go for it!
Detoxifying – My visits to the bathroom have improved, but I drink a lot of water.
Eases muscle tension – I go to the gym a lot and run a lot. My muscles don’t feel as sore after a workout. I do suggest stretching and maybe doing Yoga for added benefits.
Improves blood circulation – I always had poor blood circulation, but I feel that it has improved a lot after wearing the shoes. My feet use to feel like cold as ice.
Restless leg syndrome – There are so many articles on this topic. I suggest you read up on it. This is an issue for some people, and if these slippers can help, it’s worth trying.
Are you really getting a foot massage while walking?
No, it doesn’t feel like a massage. It feels awkward and uncomfortable. But after wearing it for many days, you get used to having your feet poked by the nubs.
Do reflexology slippers really work? Are the reviews online genuine?
Reading about the benefits and reviews of different brands will not help at all. The best way to know if it will work is to try it yourself.
That’s precisely what I did!
The 1st day I wore the slippers, the pain from the nubs was unbearable; I pushed through the pain, thinking of the health benefits and was motivated to see if it would improve the pain in my heels.
I wore the shoes every day for an entire month and started to see the results.
If you try something life-changing, the key to finding out if it genuinely works is CONSISTENCY! Don’t expect to see changes in only a week.
Keep going and have patience!
Wearing the slippers every day was uncomfortable and noisy! When you’re busy, you get used to it!
I started feeling less pain in my heels and my backache started improving.
My energy levels increased.
My sleep improved. I felt less tired when waking up!
My anxiety levels decreased.
I felt like I was accomplishing better health for myself.
My blood circulation seemed to have improved.
I continued to wear the slippers for another 30 days to see if there would be a more significant difference.
I am glad I discovered these slippers and wore them consistently regardless of what I read online!
The pain in my heels has improved considerably. I still must consult a doctor, but I don’t have the same level of pain I had 60 days ago. I am continuing to wear the slippers so that I can monitor my improvement.
It doesn’t cost me anything to wear it daily. I like the idea that zones in my body are being stimulated as I walk around the house.
What was the biggest problem wearing reflexology shoes?
After wearing it for more than 8 hours a day, my feet started to dry out. I had to massage my feet with olive oil, but it still started to peel.
This dry problem went away after taking a break for a couple of days.
What else can help improve achy feet?
I started soaking my feet in saltwater. Soaking my feet twice a week and wearing the slippers daily has helped me walk with less pain. I don’t feel sore when I finally can put my feet up after a long day on my heels.
What are the benefits of soaking your feet in saltwater?
If achy and cracked heels are giving you sleepless nights, then try soaking your feet in saltwater or Epsom salts. It will help soften crack heals, skin irritations, and improve the achiness in your feet.
Tip: Add some salt and Epsom salt, to a bucketful of slightly warm water. Soak your feet for 10 minutes. With the help of a pumice stone, scrub the area to get rid of dead skin. Do this at least twice a week before going to bed for significant results.
Wishing you a healthy step every day!
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