What is the GDF? In 2013, the Get Driver Fit program was launched in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The aim was to get the community moving and active. The government initiative took place for three months. A free program for anyone to join. Hosted by professional coaches. There was Zumba, circuit training, yoga, cycling, archery and many water sports. It took place at various locations throughout the city.
In 2014 the GDF was relaunched competitively. Participants had to challenge themselves and show progress in fitness and physical improvement over three months. If you won, you stood a chance to win a trip for two to Seychelles. The program was fun and very competitive. The first day of the launch, we had to take a fitness test and have our weight checked. Each participant received a passport to have checked after attending each fitness event allocated to a colour group. I managed to get myself into the red team. I met so many people that become my close friends. My favourite part, of the experience, was training for dragon boating. We had to represent the GDF during, the Shangri la Dragon boat festival which takes, place yearly in Abu Dhabi at the http://www.shangri-la.com/abudhabi/shangrila/. Little did I know that I would join dragon boating and, compete in competitions. That’s a completely different story.
Fast forward to 2016, the GDF took place once again, but the length of the program shortened. Instead of three months we only registered for seven weeks. We also had to sign in at every event so that the sponsors could track our attendance., The prize was a luxury, holiday for two. The destination Goa, India. You can imagine how competitive everyone was. I set my eyes on the title. I wanted to win so badly. I attended all the sessions and maintained a healthy diet. I was so sure I was going to win. The final day of the challenge we had to complete an obstacle challenge. Our time, together with our weight loss and fitness improvement would determine the winners. I did well in every category except attendance. I was unable to attend the late morning sessions because I was at work., The winner in the female category had an advantage over me. She took away the prize. I was disappointed but happy, for her. I did win a prize for overall body improvement. I won a month, free membership to our sponsor’s gym https://haddins.com/
Finally, in 2017, the GDF was back. I knew it was going to be the last year. I had a feeling. The program was in its 5th year but was a very expensive initiative. All the classes were free for participants. There were prizes for most attendance, overall fitness and the grand prize. The amazing trip was to Thailand. A fitness holiday for two. I am so excited to later share my experience with you. Yeah, you guessed right. I finally won. I was determined and did not get blind sighted. I made sure I could attend all the sessions. It was competitive, and many people wanted to win. There were over one thousand participants who registered. The schedule was gruesome. Waking up at 4 am every day to attend the 6 am sessions and still going to work afterwards. I couldn’t afford to be tired as there were sessions in the evening at 7 pm. I had to manage my time with my kids, cook, keep my house organised, I don’t have a helper and stay on task at work. Over the seven weeks, my body could feel the impact of all the training. I persevered and did not give up. I set a goal for myself, and I wanted to achieve it. I learnt to organise my schedule. School lunches were prepared the evening before. Dinner was cooked before heading off to the 6 am workout. When I got home from work, I spend time with my kids, ate dinner and went for the 7 pm circuit training. My car’s mileage suffered though. The final day of the challenge we did the fitness test and weighed in. The 3D machine scanned every inch of my body. There was no hiding the weight. I scored well in both categories. I gained muscle and lost body fat. I achieved a good time on the fitness test, which included the assault bike, rowing machine, running and so much more. Scores were timed and recorded. I was still worried, I needed to achieve my best at the final challenge. I knew there was not going to be an obstacle challenge, but a series of timed challenges, which were recorded strictly. I could not mess it up. It was finally my turn with the rest of the awaiting participants in the female category. I conjured up my inner beast and aimed to win. That was it for me. I waited for the results. I was proud anyway. I achieved what I needed and had fun doing it. Looking back at the seven weeks, it was an amazing experience. I befriended a lot of interesting people from different cultures and countries I thank the government of Abu Dhabi and http://www.thinkflash.ae/ https://visitabudhabi.ae/en/see.and.do/leisure/events.aspx and sponsors for taking the initiative to launch such an amazing fitness program for the community. The venues, the coaches all made it worthwhile. The beach activities on Yas beach https://yasisland.ae/yas-beach/ will always be the most memorable. Swimming the seven kilometres to the platform on the water and doing burpees and squats followed by a series of runs and more burpees on the beach. To me, this was the ultimate way to start my mornings before heading to work. I felt alive. I can’t forget the boxing sessions early in the morning and the adrenaline I felt. What a stress reliever. The evening sessions were fun and challenging. Our trainers made sure we pushed ourselves to the limits. Every person who attended showed an overall fitness improvement. There were no losers only winners. Staring at the stage waiting for the Prize ceremony, I felt satisfied. I was able to experience this program five times. I had priceless memories and created a fitter me. It was an unbelievable moment when my name was finally called. I jumped and shouted FINALLY!!! Honestly, I have been to Thailand before on holiday. So it was not the prize that motivated me. I motivated myself. I wanted to be the GDF winner and I did it.
I hope the program gets relaunched. It’s a wonderful community event. Besides the competitive side of it, the program brings together a community. People can motivate and inspire each other to lose weight, eat healthily and keep fit. I have to mention that 2017, GDF program also included free wellness workshops by certified trainers. It is unbelievable I know, but life in the United Arab Emirates is amazingly unbelievable.

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