Hour of Power
I have a full-time career and kids and endless things to do. Finding time to work out and stay fit and active, not to mention keep my booty tight can be a challenge. I am sure some so many women can relate?
Going to the gym requires a lot of motivation especially when you have had a tough day at work and you still have a list of things to do at home.
I began my Hour of Power Mantra months ago after I achieved losing excess body fat and increasing muscle. Now many people would say what body fat? You are thin already! No one is immune to body fat. I certainly am not. Thin people also get saggy and have unwanted fat. I took charge of my eating and worked out more and got rid of the fat. I couldn’t stop working out just because I achieved my fitness goals. I had to keep going. But how? Life happens, and excuses try to creep into your mind. I needed to be strong, and I didn’t want to go back to square 1. When you finally achieve results after working hard and committing yourself, going back to the beginning is the worse feeling.

My Hour of Power saved me from excuses and having to start all over again. When I get home from a work, I immediately get into my gym clothes and head to my workout. I don’t work out in a group because my mission is to get my hour of exercise and get home to my kids. I am usually at the gym when it is empty because I go when I can. It doesn’t matter what day of the week but it has to be 1 hour every week. I try for two days but I am a mum and going to the gym every day takes away time from my kids. Let’s face it, not all of us can afford to go to the gym every day. Whether you a mum, wife or just you, life is happening to you.
When I have done my Hour of Power I feel great, motivated and proud that I am still trying my best every week. I have managed to maintain my fitness goals and keep that unwanted fat off.
Don’t let excuses and lack of time prevent you from achieving a fitter, stronger you. No matter what life situation you have, 1 hour is all it takes to make that change. Guess what 1 hour can lead to 2 hours, it’s entirely up to you. I go to the gym, but if you can’t go to a gym, take 1 hour at home and commit to a fitter, stronger, active you. Consistency is key, and in no time you will see results. I challenge you to 1 Hour of Power!!
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