There is so much motivational quotes online and content out there to get us excited about life. I know when I see motivational feeds on my social media, it conjures up a strong feeling inside of me.
Motivational quotes and thoughts can be short-lived. If you were not prepared to take action in your life and create the change, you wouldn’t see the results of the quotes you read.
Motivational quotes to me are like delicious deserts. You enjoy eating them, but once digested, you feel guilty. Unless you act on these motivational thoughts, your life will stay the same and subconsciously that feeling of guilt kicks in. Learn to digest the motivation that comes your way and allow its energy to guide you.
No one can motivate you to achieve your goals. Only you can!!!
The words that you read, the videos you watch are just mere tools to get you on the right path.
The words you say to yourself have more power over you. Stop reading for a minute and say to yourself. I can do the impossible! Shout it if you have to. How do you feel?
The energy that you use to say these words will be the same energy that will drive you to make the impossible become possible.
If you separate the word Impossible, you will have two powerful words I’m possible!
That is why I love reading and writing. The right words will make a massive difference to your life.
I think I am living proof to myself that anything is possible. My life story has become my life journey. Does this make sense to you?
Eighteen years ago, I was 22 years old. All I had was the life I knew. I grew up in a neighborhood like everyone else, finished high school, and had to find a job. I wanted more from life, and my dreams became my escape at night. Dreaming is free, and I certainly took advantage of it.
What I didn’t realize when I was lying in bed dreaming of a life beyond the world I knew was that I was creating an energy that would lead me to those dreams.
I was visualizing what I wanted for myself. My young and naive self was clueless about the future that was waiting for me.
If you are in a dark place right now. Don’t give up! Don’t stop dreaming of a better life. Dreams are free and can come true.
You have to believe in them.
My life story became my life journey. As I got older, I started thinking differently and realized that all roads lead to somewhere. If I was going to change things in my life, I needed a plan.
My plan became my map, and I became my compass. I started directing myself towards the future I wanted.
I learned to depend on my thoughts and not the ideas of others. I began to fill myself with my wisdom. Maybe you the type of person that is surrounded by a good support network. Not everyone has that blessing. If you are so lucky, remind yourself to reflect on the advice and thoughts that come your way. Not everyone will have the answers you need.
The possible is impossible!
Think about something that has happened in your life, and how you felt. Did it feel like a miracle happened?
Let this feeling be the foundation of your life and when you need to believe in yourself. Remember the moments in your life that have caused you the greatest of happiness!
I dreamed of traveling the world and learning about new cultures.
My first flight experience was at the age of 22 years old. Not only have I traveled to many countries, but I have traveled with my kids.
If there is one thing, life has taught me, that dreaming of the things you want in life is the visualization of what you want for yourself. When you think big and wide, you can open many doors for yourself.
Dream, Dream, and Dream some more!
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