The Pink Run
Breast Cancer Awareness
I believe that to make a difference in this world we all have a social responsibility. I have met cancer survivors over the years and have sympathized with many who have died because of the disease. It is a battle that you cannot begin to imagine. My prayers and thoughts are with those who are fighting the disease, for those who are giving hope to others and pushing on no matter what.

The Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank and Abu Dhabi striders a popular community running group host the Pink run at Zayed Sports City every year during October. The event aims to raise awareness about breast cancer. To many people, it is more than just a running event. Many people have lost their loved ones to the disease. The run symbolizes hope for the future and willpower never to give up. Participants can run for 5 km or 10km. All the money from the race is donated to Breast Cancer Awareness.

My Inspirational 10km run
Running to me is freedom. When my heart feels heavy, and my mind feels overloaded, running helps me unleash myself. Every stride I take awakens the strong women I know I am. My thoughts become clearer, and my heart grows stronger. Running with different people from all walks of life to me is genuinely inspirational. When my body feels like giving up, I push forward harder telling myself that this is not for me, but all those who are fighting every day to survive. For all those people who are beating this disease every day. I am one of the fortunate who has to remember that I am blessed to have my health. To use my blessings to inspire and encourage others to donate and help all those who are keeping hope that there will be a day when cancer will be beaten once and for all. If you are feeling low and worries are dragging you down. Know that there is someone somewhere at the exact moment dying from cancer. That person would give anything to be in your shoes. A healthy life is irreplaceable. To all those who are fighting their own battles, let’s celebrate having health, put on our running shoes and help support a cause.

How to self-examine
My friend’s sister-in-law discovered she had breast cancer because she worked in the hospital that was screening women during Breast cancer month. Without thinking much about it, she decided to get examined. That day her world changed. Life felt different. I listened to my friend as she voiced her emotions. All I could think was that could have been me. What a frightening realization to have. Early detection can save your life. Finding abnormalities can increase your chances of successful treatment.
A few steps can give you peace of mind and help you take control of your life
A reason to stand in front of the mirror
Stand in front of the mirror with your arms on the side. Look at your breast for any change in size, shape, color or distortion. Raise your arms and look for any changes. If you notice anything unusual about your breasts such as puckering, swollenness, redness, dimpling and scaling contact a doctor immediately.
If there was ever a need to lye down
Lying on your back place your right arm behind your head and use your left hand to feel your right breast. Gently apply the pads of your fingers and create circular motions all around your breast, while continuing applying medium pressure to feel the whole breast. Switch arms and repeat with the other breast. If you feel a knot or lump, please contact a doctor for further examination.
Its suggested that women should self-exam once a month after a menstruation cycle.
What is a Mammogram?
It is a low dose x-ray of the breast; physicians use to detect cancer. Mammograms are the most efficient screening method to detect breast cancer and can increase your chances of survival. Women over the age of 40 years should consider screening.
Prevention Tips
Certain factors are beyond our control, especially genetics. We always have to be mindful of how we can help to reduce our risk of many diseases. Choosing to live a healthier lifestyle is an investment in your lifespan.
Maintain a healthy eating lifestyle
Controlling your weight is essential and often suggested by doctors. We all know that staying healthy and exercising is good for us, but we can make excuses. You don’t have to think negatively about it. Healthy eating is not difficult to maintain. Grab a fruit the next time you have a craving. I always carry an apple in my bag because I am a sucker for a bag of chips. Indulging once in a while is harmless. Life is short after all, and we should be realistic about our goals.
Get fit and active
Any physical activity is right for you. The most important thing is to get moving. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t have time to hit the gym. Brisk walking and a few repetitions at home will get you feeling great in no time. I usually create my workout which helps me feel less guilty when I can’t go to the gym. You don’t have to be an expert when it comes to being fit.
Avoid unhealthy fats
Replace saturated fats with fiber and healthy foods
Nip the smoking habit
Smoking is very unhealthy, and stopping is the best thing you can do for yourself.
If you need any further advice on good workouts, suggestions for healthy recipes or tips on running techniques. Feel free to comment and drop me an email.
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