More than a woman!

I dedicate this post to all the women who want it all!
We are more than a woman! You are more than a woman!
This past month the voice inside me screamed, you are MORE THAN A WOMAN!! Maybe it’s because October means so much to so many women fighting for their lives! Women, family, and friends fighting against a CANCER.
The battle is not over, and we are yet to win!
Many of us are dealing with personal life battles that may seem trivial compared to someone who is losing themselves to disease. But life is life, and no matter what you going through, it’s just as important. You are important!! Your story, your journey, your past, and all of you are important.
We are more than a woman. I feel this way because of the way I choose to live my life. I want to give all of me to life. When you try to live the best life, it takes a lot of mental and physical energy. As humans, it’s so easy to create patterns and routines that keep us on the same familiar paths. We unknowingly move only in the direction that we used to. We see other people living in ways beyond our imaginations, and we silently wonder how they do it? Where do they find the time and energy?
What does it mean to be a woman?
Have we defined this role we have been given?
We are born with the gift of giving and nurturing life! Yet when it comes to our personal lives, we forget to nurture ourselves.
Why do we stop? When was it decided that we are not as important as the people we care for?
When did we give our power to someone else?

Maybe we feel broken, and the noise inside our heads keeps playing the same tunes so that we struggle to reconstruct ourselves and feel whole again.
How can we piece ourselves together when life keeps feel like we breaking down?
You’ve got to put life into life!

You must find the path to your true life!
I wish it would be so easy to just wake up one day and feel powerful and unbeatable. The truth is that it takes time, but you must START!
We are more than a woman! We are sisters, SISTERS to sisters that are from different mothers, we are MOTHERS , we are WIFES, we are cooks, drivers, teachers, psychologists, friends, etc.…..We don’t need degrees to be who we are!
We are gifted with it all, and some of us know it, and others don’t! BUT WE CAN LEARN!!
As a MOTHER, there are times when I have to listen and teach my children. My love for them has taught me the knowledge to guide and direct them. I may not always be correct and get it right, and sometimes I am learning with them, but I am the person they turn to.
I am and need to be the person that sees them. I am and need to be the woman that feeds their hungry bodies and nurtures their starving souls. I need to give them hope even when there is no hope inside of me.
I want and need a better life for them because life could have been better for me.
We are more than a woman because we must be!!
We must RISE up every day and take charge of the roles given to us!
Young babies that need feeding and children that need lunchboxes!!
We need to be strong, so strong that it hurts at times because there will be days when you just don’t have the strength to give.
But we are human, and we must remember that to give ourselves and become more than who we are!
Be your strong!!
Turn your tears into sweat!!
I declared this to myself years ago. I was once afraid to live!!
I didn’t know if I had the nerve to overcome the silent fears within me and loud noises in my head. It seemed like I had it all to the world, but the reality was that I knew it was not mine!!
What if it were taken away? My husband at the time was the person who got the job, the package, everything, and I was the companion. She has it all, people thought! What is it all?
I was happy, but what was my happiness? I felt undefined!
I became scared by the questions that kept me awake ant night. My head hurt in the silence of my dark room. An inner voice kept reminding me to find my own path.
I allowed myself to love the life that I had. I was in a new city, a new country, and I was able to experience new things. I didn’t want this world to end and I remained silently scared.
What would happen to me if something happened to him? This is a question we should ask!! It’s so IMPORTANT as a woman that we can define who we are outside of our marriages and relationships. The truth is that he is human, just like you.
When you least expect it to life can feel unfair!! Death will become a reality. LIFE CAN CHANGE!
This all sounds so gloomy, and who wants to think that the man you love and want to spend the rest of life will die or can change!
Sometimes fear is what drives us to be our best!
You need to become YOU!!
Who are you? Spend a few minutes and think about it!
- What motivates you?
- Who motivates you?
- What are you afraid of?
- Who is in control of your life?
- Do you feel happy? Truly happy?
- How will you define your happiness?
- What makes you feel broken, hurt or sad?
- Do you love quickly?
- Do you love yourself?
The only way we can move through life is by loving ourselves.
You’ve got to love all of you!!
You can’t give love when you not giving love to yourself!
You can’t make others feel happy when you don’t feel it!!
Live in this power, and you will change the way you see your life!!
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