I pulled up to work one morning as my colleague was getting out of her car and I couldn’t help notice her high heels. It’s not very common to see my colleagues wearing heels. We work in an environment where we are required to be on our feet all day. Teaching keeps you on your toes. I had to give her compliment, and her response was equally rewarding to me. ‘Only at the end of the week’ she giggled and strutted off. Here was a teacher who allowed herself one day of the week to wear her heels. Why? I think it’s because her heels are more than heels. It’s symbolic in her life. It makes her feel beautiful and confident.
Women love heels, well at least I do and its evident that my colleague does too. Heels make you feel sexy and powerful. The higher the heel, the better for some women. Your feet may be aching and walking may be a painful task, but to the rest of the world, you got it.
Do you work in a job where it’s impossible to wear your heels? Or maybe you a full-time mum and wearing heels doesn’t fit into your lifestyle.
I think we owe it to ourselves to put on our heels and make a statement. Reclaim who we are and send a message into the world that we still got it.
It is an empowering feeling to be ambitious. Ambition means you hungry for achievement. We all have goals, some of us are out there every day working the grind, and some of us are living life differently, but the fact is you do your part. No matter what your life is, you want to be successful at it.
I was once a full-time stay at home mum many years ago. I wanted to succeed as a mother, wife, cook, and caretaker. Life has taught me to become better at handling all my different roles. No matter what I knew, I had to achieve my best.
The days when I felt like I owned it, I would put on my high heels for me, not for anyone, but me. Being a sexy, confident mum and wife was my achievement. I didn’t let my new defined role in life change who I once was.
Seeing my colleague reclaim herself at least once a week at work, made me realize that it’s not just about the heels, but about who you are and how you own your life.

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